Friday 29 May 2009

Ferh Ellen Wroec

Remarkable sunshine descended upon the City of Wolverhampton today, the large lakeside park full of life and smiles on all the faces- young and old. Even ventured to the local publican, the last time I did so, ended in a painful defeat for the beloved Manchester United. A carvery, a meal suitable for a King in the warm glow of the sun rays with an ice cold drink whilst sat in on benches overlooking Tettenhall Road.

Once returned, it seems that the move to another hall of residence block is not paramount so instead of vexing over packaging like many of my fellow peers I could afford to relax with the good lady. I watched the BBC Four showing of Michael Wood on Beowulf as I planned to do tomorrow afternoon following the supposed move. Deeply insightful in the connection with the Anglo-Saxon world with many pieces forming the jigsaw of one of the finest pieces of English Literature in history, a classic tale of a heroic knight. The presenter travelled far across the British Isles despite the story taking place in a Scandinavian territory. He also luckily to British Museum to see the sole remaining manuscript which has never been filmed before interchanging with a cleverly edited solo performance from an actor by the name of Julian Glover telling the tale to many modernist Anglo Saxon tribe followers or more like akin to a tribute act.

Most surprisingly during the course of his travels, East Anglia was seen as a inspiration in the ancient times to the unknown creator in the 7th Century or thereabouts and it wasn't until the 10th Century did scribes begin to write down the wondrous rise and eventual death of Beowulf. Links with paganism and Sutton Hoo 'a place of old legends of royal tombs and hidden gold' were also greatly exposed and articulately detailed.

I shan't ruin your viewing if you have not already seen it or perhaps awaiting to view it on Sky Plus. If not, BBC iPlayer steps into the breach once more;

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