Monday, 24 August 2009

In the downpour...

Cometh the day, cometh the man. The sound of the rain trickling and warm tasteful foods, loving glances of the lady with a nice book to read after rugby training in which hypothermia inched ever closer. It's days like this that allow deep thought and restful periods rather than sprawling madly out of control in the heat. Whilst retaining BBC News 24 in the background, I read of an Swiss painter by the name of Fuseli who apparently is the most distinguished member of the Royal Academy and his circle of associates included William Blake, one of my favourite poets of all time. He was also a great advocate of the neo-classical doctrine in particular his apparent embracement of primitive art and illustrations that allowed Romantics to thrive. So a very important man. Now, what this has to do with Milton seeing as the book is of his links to art, shall emerge shortly as the lady and I had an afternoon nap together then when we awoke the sun made an appearance.

On the news earlier the topic of Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi was prominent and I see Gordon Brown backed into a moral corner over the release of the Lockerbie bomber. They let him go on grounds of compassion over his illness, a man who derided the death of 270 people in the most shocking circumstances. Why? Because of the values of Scotland of course! They may as well said they were either drunk, high or forced into such a decision by the English because this reasoning will never be enough and downright mockery of the horrendous crimes he committed. Additionally the reception he received showed the ignorance of his actions by Libya and was clearly on the cards, so predictable that the 'low key' welcome promised to Kenny MacAskill wouldn't be the case so surely he now has to resign to mask the embarrassment he has caused on his proud nation.

On the other hand, compassion is the basis of morality but on these grounds but it is beyond futile when dealing with such criminals. I don't agree with the extent of the American criticism however, as usual they like to overly dramatize such events and terrorists do not require 'comfort' in order to strike, they have no qualms about causing such devastating acts. Just ask those in the Armed Forces and the horror stories each one of them has foreseen and I've heard a few of such sickening proportions.

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