Good news, I have job interview with 'Aim Higher' in collaboration with the University for an Associate role and additionally sent a letter of my environmental awareness to a company who are looking for a PR. In this covering letter, I wrote of such idyllic bullshit:
'It's a terribly worthwhile job I feel and with my taste for naturalism perhaps a festering appreciation to the world we live which must be kept as God intended. It is true, we must preserve such landmarks as the Yorkshire Dales where I live back home and doing so such effort into global warming is required; for instance preferring to walk or use public transport and I have only considered buying the Italian Pininfarina lithium-ion powered electric car for when I graduate.....'
Then I mentioned my charity work, writing and campaigning before 'Furthermore, once I become a teacher for the Deaf I feel I could inform them of their environmental duties and hopefully leaving a legacy of considerable merit.
You think that'll impress them? Certainly not but it'll make them think before they bin my CV in preference of an attractive blonde much like Alexandra Moen's character in Hotel Babylon.
Steve Flack for President.
All the best for the interview.
In addition to your grandfather, I am also very impressed by your ability to write idyllic bullshit when it is required of you.
You should add that picture of your grand dad on wiki.
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