Cometh the day, cometh the man. The sound of the rain trickling and warm tasteful foods, loving glances of the lady with a nice book to read after rugby training in which hypothermia inched ever closer. It's days like this that allow deep thought and restful periods rather than sprawling madly out of control in the heat. Whilst retaining BBC News 24 in the background, I read of an Swiss painter by the name of Fuseli who apparently is the most distinguished member of the Royal Academy and his circle of associates included William Blake, one of my favourite poets of all time. He was also a great advocate of the neo-classical doctrine in particular his apparent embracement of primitive art and illustrations that allowed Romantics to thrive. So a very important man. Now, what this has to do with Milton seeing as the book is of his links to art, shall emerge shortly as the lady and I had an afternoon nap together then when we awoke the sun made an appearance.
On the news earlier the topic of Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi was prominent and I see Gordon Brown backed into a moral corner over the release of the Lockerbie bomber. They let him go on grounds of compassion over his illness, a man who derided the death of 270 people in the most shocking circumstances. Why? Because of the values of Scotland of course! They may as well said they were either drunk, high or forced into such a decision by the English because this reasoning will never be enough and downright mockery of the horrendous crimes he committed. Additionally the reception he received showed the ignorance of his actions by Libya and was clearly on the cards, so predictable that the 'low key' welcome promised to Kenny MacAskill wouldn't be the case so surely he now has to resign to mask the embarrassment he has caused on his proud nation.
On the other hand, compassion is the basis of morality but on these grounds but it is beyond futile when dealing with such criminals. I don't agree with the extent of the American criticism however, as usual they like to overly dramatize such events and terrorists do not require 'comfort' in order to strike, they have no qualms about causing such devastating acts. Just ask those in the Armed Forces and the horror stories each one of them has foreseen and I've heard a few of such sickening proportions.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
A fine day...
A pure and blissful summers day; a game of rugby deadened into near madness before a restful discussion with the newly introduced associates including the ex-soldier who regularly speaks of his past experiences, violent encounters and the fatal leg crushing car crash that meant his rise to lofty heights soon to be Lance Corporal was ended in an instant. As fate has it, he had ended up in the West Midlands from the similarly murky world of Afghanistan much like I, with no idea as to why but both were madly seeking independence and a leap into the unknown far away from our courses/jobs in Northern England.
Our talks of sport, women and politics, the course he is studying meant we have become trustful of one another which of course is rather difficult easy for men of our aggressiveness and bravado. Yet he has become entwined with his brash character and my deeply serious intellect in a positive manner therefore has lent me several books of high quality in particular The Complete Works of William Shakespeare sealed in magnificent leather hardback with original prints that set him back £90 from a classical bookshop in the North. With my University courses soon to resume, this is an extremely worthwhile read. In turn, I attempted to educate him of the ways of the Pre Raphaelites and the supreme genius of Milton's Paradise Lost which he welcomed with aplomb. To be fair although he does not look it, he acts like an educated figure as he usually spends his time discussing things with the lady and I, reading his extensive collection of books and smoking.
Also he suggested this excellent website for debates of latest news topics and a mirage of thoughts from around the world:
Certainly changed my perspective of war and the glory which now has opened my eyes to the untold misery, pain and massacre that my elder relatives would never speak of and my grandfathers died from. The recent fallen veteran of the First World War, Harry Patch said it best on the BBC's Last Tommy "War is organized murder". Nevertheless will this deter our staggeringly inept and arrogant Government under equipping our troops? In this far from benevolent institution, of course not. But we live in hope.
Our talks of sport, women and politics, the course he is studying meant we have become trustful of one another which of course is rather difficult easy for men of our aggressiveness and bravado. Yet he has become entwined with his brash character and my deeply serious intellect in a positive manner therefore has lent me several books of high quality in particular The Complete Works of William Shakespeare sealed in magnificent leather hardback with original prints that set him back £90 from a classical bookshop in the North. With my University courses soon to resume, this is an extremely worthwhile read. In turn, I attempted to educate him of the ways of the Pre Raphaelites and the supreme genius of Milton's Paradise Lost which he welcomed with aplomb. To be fair although he does not look it, he acts like an educated figure as he usually spends his time discussing things with the lady and I, reading his extensive collection of books and smoking.
Also he suggested this excellent website for debates of latest news topics and a mirage of thoughts from around the world:
Certainly changed my perspective of war and the glory which now has opened my eyes to the untold misery, pain and massacre that my elder relatives would never speak of and my grandfathers died from. The recent fallen veteran of the First World War, Harry Patch said it best on the BBC's Last Tommy "War is organized murder". Nevertheless will this deter our staggeringly inept and arrogant Government under equipping our troops? In this far from benevolent institution, of course not. But we live in hope.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Pastures New...
A fairly successful day upon becoming the West Midland's Area Agent for a large marketing company whom have provided the websites, advertisement and prints for such global companies as Mercedes, Shell and Natwest. I've began to build up a contact list and hopefully the collective group of independent shops, hoteliers and recruitment agencies in the area will build to 200 by the end of the month. The focus is to raise profile of the company, bring in interested parties to advertise for and produce personal business cards for it's employees.
I've pledged my loyalty to the boss who was charmed by my Yorkshire twang, professional C.V and possibly the AK-47 I had. Of course I promise to still work for the charity, write articles for certain publications and short stories as well as the 'Associate' job interview tomorrow.
How was your weekend, ladies and gentleman? The sun is resting nicely in the skies, not too bright but enough light for evening walks that I have since returned from and alighted my interest in the natural surroundings that once ruined by the large numbers of builders, students and passing cars. It seems late Summer is upon us and the new academic year is nearing, I aim to be studying Classics (John Milton's Paradise Lost) and Shakespeare modules at least to cure the boredom of accompanying language modules.
Now remember, if you require a full colour business card or flyer (very classy too) then I'm your man.
I've pledged my loyalty to the boss who was charmed by my Yorkshire twang, professional C.V and possibly the AK-47 I had. Of course I promise to still work for the charity, write articles for certain publications and short stories as well as the 'Associate' job interview tomorrow.
How was your weekend, ladies and gentleman? The sun is resting nicely in the skies, not too bright but enough light for evening walks that I have since returned from and alighted my interest in the natural surroundings that once ruined by the large numbers of builders, students and passing cars. It seems late Summer is upon us and the new academic year is nearing, I aim to be studying Classics (John Milton's Paradise Lost) and Shakespeare modules at least to cure the boredom of accompanying language modules.
Now remember, if you require a full colour business card or flyer (very classy too) then I'm your man.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
I have a dream...
Here is the most famous painting by the Pre Raphaelite, John Millais whom I've began reading about. A tremendous talent, I’m sure you’ll agree. It’s not just most recognizable by his name but by traditional English art as it refused to conform to the belief set by paintings of that era.
It is merely Ophelia drowning in the river, you may say. The famous character from Hamlet, a wretched woman whom I alluded to in my first short story and previous blogs due to its sheer importance but notice the attention to detail that is almost perfect.
I'm now in discussions with photographer associates of mine whom are all excellent about we do one of a young lady, drowning or a mere reflection in the river wearing hearing aids due to her deafness or a wheelchair whilst ignored by nearby passerbys. Emphasizing the lack of assistance and support network. If created I feel it'd be ideal for the political campaign showing the lack of co-operation, loneliness, shunned by society and disabled. Essentially the idea of the fallen woman that'll grasp the attention of the public, finally allowing us to voice our frustration.
I hope you can see it too, readers. Also another associate of biology intelligence could be of use if we wish to take picture in icy water, he will know of a way of retaining the body's blood pressure whilst allowing the model to be sullen, dying almost. I wish to capture the quartz veins in her neck, her sullen look and tragic surroundings and pale composition of her face too, drained of energy to fight for her rights anymore.
Send your suggestions if you wish. With your help it shall now become the most potent in disability rights and awareness as it was for the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Update: I've just seen this of the Edinburgh Festival, no other than Ophelia herself. Now I feel the idea has derided and I must think of something else or keep to the reflection in the river.
Here is the most famous painting by the Pre Raphaelite, John Millais whom I've began reading about. A tremendous talent, I’m sure you’ll agree. It’s not just most recognizable by his name but by traditional English art as it refused to conform to the belief set by paintings of that era.
It is merely Ophelia drowning in the river, you may say. The famous character from Hamlet, a wretched woman whom I alluded to in my first short story and previous blogs due to its sheer importance but notice the attention to detail that is almost perfect.
I'm now in discussions with photographer associates of mine whom are all excellent about we do one of a young lady, drowning or a mere reflection in the river wearing hearing aids due to her deafness or a wheelchair whilst ignored by nearby passerbys. Emphasizing the lack of assistance and support network. If created I feel it'd be ideal for the political campaign showing the lack of co-operation, loneliness, shunned by society and disabled. Essentially the idea of the fallen woman that'll grasp the attention of the public, finally allowing us to voice our frustration.
I hope you can see it too, readers. Also another associate of biology intelligence could be of use if we wish to take picture in icy water, he will know of a way of retaining the body's blood pressure whilst allowing the model to be sullen, dying almost. I wish to capture the quartz veins in her neck, her sullen look and tragic surroundings and pale composition of her face too, drained of energy to fight for her rights anymore.
Send your suggestions if you wish. With your help it shall now become the most potent in disability rights and awareness as it was for the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Update: I've just seen this of the Edinburgh Festival, no other than Ophelia herself. Now I feel the idea has derided and I must think of something else or keep to the reflection in the river.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
The legacy of my ancestors...
Good news, I have job interview with 'Aim Higher' in collaboration with the University for an Associate role and additionally sent a letter of my environmental awareness to a company who are looking for a PR. In this covering letter, I wrote of such idyllic bullshit:
'It's a terribly worthwhile job I feel and with my taste for naturalism perhaps a festering appreciation to the world we live which must be kept as God intended. It is true, we must preserve such landmarks as the Yorkshire Dales where I live back home and doing so such effort into global warming is required; for instance preferring to walk or use public transport and I have only considered buying the Italian Pininfarina lithium-ion powered electric car for when I graduate.....'
Then I mentioned my charity work, writing and campaigning before 'Furthermore, once I become a teacher for the Deaf I feel I could inform them of their environmental duties and hopefully leaving a legacy of considerable merit.
You think that'll impress them? Certainly not but it'll make them think before they bin my CV in preference of an attractive blonde much like Alexandra Moen's character in Hotel Babylon.
Monday, 10 August 2009
The Inquest of 15th November 1894...
The day my great grandfather was sent to his imprisonment and the media outcry at the time means I can trace back to this. I'm reading local newspaper articles and records which shows a wonderfully rogue character beset with a complexity that is akin to the generations of males that has since followed on my Dad's side. He spoke and wrote in an educated manner, worked overly hard to provide for his family and wasn't exactly shy. It seemed he questioned authority on many occasions particularly that of the local Police. Especially, a Sergeant Clarkson whom acts strangely in court basically dismissing that my grandfather's wife was a heavy drinker much like him and even pretends he cannot remember arresting her at one point. This was either through his disdain for my grandfather's supposed criminality or perhaps wished to lock him away for once and for all so he could now rule the streets without a dangerously rebellious foe.
Whilst he was terribly violent or as the locals put it 'acted very quarrelsome' even the barman was ordered not to serve him yet his drinking didn't damage the popular view that he was caring, considerate enough to support his family. In fact it was paying for their teas which lead to the row and such a defining moment for our family and town.
Much like my father and I, we do not like to be kept waiting for our teas and women tend to drive us crazy with their relentless witherings and expressiveness of emotion. Although we don't particularly become maddened as such, it's worth remembering my grandad was a hard case with a long record for assaulting anyone unfortunate to get in his path from the publican I presume.
Alas he declared his innocence in court, 'firmly said' and 'in a clear calm voice' but the sheer witness evidence virtually crippled his bid to be released. Then he was sentenced for 14 years in prison on a manslaughter charge.
The whole story that unfolded was one of simplistic brilliance allowing a peek into my great great grandfather's persona, his immediate family and the traditional seaside town nearby to my village in which many of my family still reside today. The language used and the behaviour isn't too unfamiliar (drunken foolishness, fights and women causing trouble) with today's Britain and still, the sensationalist culture of the press still lives on.
Ironically, the family lived on the same street as my mother once did when brought up by her mother. In fact, one of the doctors in the case was of same martial name as my mother. Small world, isn't?
Whilst he was terribly violent or as the locals put it 'acted very quarrelsome' even the barman was ordered not to serve him yet his drinking didn't damage the popular view that he was caring, considerate enough to support his family. In fact it was paying for their teas which lead to the row and such a defining moment for our family and town.
Much like my father and I, we do not like to be kept waiting for our teas and women tend to drive us crazy with their relentless witherings and expressiveness of emotion. Although we don't particularly become maddened as such, it's worth remembering my grandad was a hard case with a long record for assaulting anyone unfortunate to get in his path from the publican I presume.
Alas he declared his innocence in court, 'firmly said' and 'in a clear calm voice' but the sheer witness evidence virtually crippled his bid to be released. Then he was sentenced for 14 years in prison on a manslaughter charge.
The whole story that unfolded was one of simplistic brilliance allowing a peek into my great great grandfather's persona, his immediate family and the traditional seaside town nearby to my village in which many of my family still reside today. The language used and the behaviour isn't too unfamiliar (drunken foolishness, fights and women causing trouble) with today's Britain and still, the sensationalist culture of the press still lives on.
Ironically, the family lived on the same street as my mother once did when brought up by her mother. In fact, one of the doctors in the case was of same martial name as my mother. Small world, isn't?
Friday, 7 August 2009
A Strangely Fulfilling Friday...
It seems there is a reason behind why the senior politicians were scarce when I visited the House of Lords and Westminster last weekend; they are all on holiday or in hiding. The news that Mandleson is in Corfu was more surprising than the fact he is running proceedings, who goes to Corfu nowadays? Well, he wouldn't exactly suit Ayia Napia or Malia. Even more rousingly, Harriet Harman believed she was left in charge. Exactly, she has the leadership credentials and charm of a starved Yorkshire Terrier.
It is not sexism that ruins chances of women becoming respected figures but their own lack of social awareness. By that, I do not mean to the fact they are unable to persist in a healthy debate without their makeup falling out of their handbag. Or that they start blaming men for remotely anything that comes to mind. Yes, their arguments tend to be irrational even if there aren't, men soon get bored as we only wish to look at attractive women with nice breasts. Oh lord, it is sexism isn't it? However a boom in beautiful, male friendly but dim witted ladies in politics wouldn't be the most profitable outcome, look at Berlusconi's Government.
After completing the second story for the Manchester Young Persons Writer Award staggeringly late but made the deadline, I finally feel at peace. I shall now be writing for the British Deaf Magazine and the website contents for 'Skill', calm in the knowledge my ideas are flowing well leading to less complexity. Well, hopefully anyway. Not helped by social arrangements to venture to obscure nightclubs or the lady wishing to go shopping at any opportunity that arises.
On the subject of 'Skill', now the campaigning team have met up there shall be a volunteering event in Camden, London on Thursday 27th August. It'd be fully worthwhile to support the charity whilst learning an array of different aspects to volunteering with expenses paid, too (hotel stay, travel and food). Any questions then do not hesitate to leave a comment or email me.
It is not sexism that ruins chances of women becoming respected figures but their own lack of social awareness. By that, I do not mean to the fact they are unable to persist in a healthy debate without their makeup falling out of their handbag. Or that they start blaming men for remotely anything that comes to mind. Yes, their arguments tend to be irrational even if there aren't, men soon get bored as we only wish to look at attractive women with nice breasts. Oh lord, it is sexism isn't it? However a boom in beautiful, male friendly but dim witted ladies in politics wouldn't be the most profitable outcome, look at Berlusconi's Government.
After completing the second story for the Manchester Young Persons Writer Award staggeringly late but made the deadline, I finally feel at peace. I shall now be writing for the British Deaf Magazine and the website contents for 'Skill', calm in the knowledge my ideas are flowing well leading to less complexity. Well, hopefully anyway. Not helped by social arrangements to venture to obscure nightclubs or the lady wishing to go shopping at any opportunity that arises.
On the subject of 'Skill', now the campaigning team have met up there shall be a volunteering event in Camden, London on Thursday 27th August. It'd be fully worthwhile to support the charity whilst learning an array of different aspects to volunteering with expenses paid, too (hotel stay, travel and food). Any questions then do not hesitate to leave a comment or email me.
Monday, 3 August 2009
London Town.
Hope you all had a marvellous weekend. Within 24 hours; I learnt there are no rules on the tube, hotels in Camden are perhaps terribly overpriced and the surrounding area smell isn't pleasant. Needless to say, I found the House of Lords suitably impressive however figure that the Baroness isn't what our political campaign to change disabled youth rights needs. I knew this previously considering her expenses outcry and ridiculous arguments on radio shows...
Yet I was stunned as she seemed to lack the credibility within the House of Lords (damningly told not to take pictures of us), invasive and too absent minded to seize upon our discussions. She even had the audacity to place her bare feet on her desk with her son behind her, snivelling away. Of course she was overly nice and pleasant; listened to my aims additionally the various points the group of similar passion and understanding made. But I feel despondent with the brutal realisation that no one seemingly cares.
Aside from the political shenanigans and upsetting security by placing myself in areas not allowed; I enjoyed the library of a thousand books as it seemed riveting with such elegance decorated around the place even whilst hundreds of tourists wandered and armed police officers postured. Now, the royal paintings I viewed in the gallery (the name I forget, the Baroness wasn't as memorable as say... the blonde near Westminster Pier) showed an uncannily liking of brothers George VI and the traitorous Duke of Windsor whom became friendly with Hitler. It was the eyes, the same emotionless look and strong gaze of the pair that is akin to my older brother and I that prompted thoughts which of us would betray our country. Similar to their situation, it’d be the elder of course with the heavy metal fanatic who would presumably ascend to faraway lands with promises of women, alcohol and marijuana.
Afterwards we then ventured towards Trafalgar Square over-ruled by teenagers... this is where the Baroness was perfect, to scare them off with her rants and offensive bare feet. Then the madness descended furthermore as a crane arrived to lift a lady from toppling off the apex of a statue just by where we sat with our sandwiches. Wishfully, a Second World War fighter pilot (the central character to a current story idea) would swoop in to frighten the foreigners darted around with a large 'Welcome to England, please do not deposit your litter in the fountain or climb beyond your limits. Those found doing so shall face execution at the Tower of London' banner attached.
Yet I was stunned as she seemed to lack the credibility within the House of Lords (damningly told not to take pictures of us), invasive and too absent minded to seize upon our discussions. She even had the audacity to place her bare feet on her desk with her son behind her, snivelling away. Of course she was overly nice and pleasant; listened to my aims additionally the various points the group of similar passion and understanding made. But I feel despondent with the brutal realisation that no one seemingly cares.
Aside from the political shenanigans and upsetting security by placing myself in areas not allowed; I enjoyed the library of a thousand books as it seemed riveting with such elegance decorated around the place even whilst hundreds of tourists wandered and armed police officers postured. Now, the royal paintings I viewed in the gallery (the name I forget, the Baroness wasn't as memorable as say... the blonde near Westminster Pier) showed an uncannily liking of brothers George VI and the traitorous Duke of Windsor whom became friendly with Hitler. It was the eyes, the same emotionless look and strong gaze of the pair that is akin to my older brother and I that prompted thoughts which of us would betray our country. Similar to their situation, it’d be the elder of course with the heavy metal fanatic who would presumably ascend to faraway lands with promises of women, alcohol and marijuana.
Afterwards we then ventured towards Trafalgar Square over-ruled by teenagers... this is where the Baroness was perfect, to scare them off with her rants and offensive bare feet. Then the madness descended furthermore as a crane arrived to lift a lady from toppling off the apex of a statue just by where we sat with our sandwiches. Wishfully, a Second World War fighter pilot (the central character to a current story idea) would swoop in to frighten the foreigners darted around with a large 'Welcome to England, please do not deposit your litter in the fountain or climb beyond your limits. Those found doing so shall face execution at the Tower of London' banner attached.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Disability Campaign Part Two...
Inspired by a visit to the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery witnessing the wondrous works of the Pre Raphaelites before shopping for smart clothing to wear upon the overnight stay in London tomorrow; I thought of why isn't there more disabled artists and resources put aside for such projects to develop the youngsters.
Therefore, I extended upon the declarations I made in a previous blog in addition to aims:
Culturally, the disabled youngsters have little or no avenue to pursue their dreams and ambitions with only schooling to expand upon such abilities as artistic talents. The Way Ahead is partnered with Disability Arts Shropshire (DASH) is one such example whereby talented and hard working artists can blossom with the right guidance however the funding is required to prolong its existence.
Even recognized disabled artists require assistance such as Jayni Anderton through an LDAF initiative has recently put a piece of digital art work Artist @ Work on exhibition for a year at the ICI building in Manchester Square, London. Imagine the possibilities if more training, resources and man power was provided to teach and inspire disabled students outside of school for weekends, half term holidays specialising in such fields as arts, literature and music as well as sport and media.
We Demand Improvement. We Deserve Respect.
Short Term and Long Term Aims:
1. Apply pressure on the Government to eradicate doubt over the Convention and how finally expand upon their ratification i.e. how this applies to the young disabled students.
2. Improve communications between the Government and the disabled community emphasising they put more effort into doing so.
3. More localized projects to teach, inspire and develop the ambitious of disabled students in arts, literature, music, sports and so forth.
4. Improve the effectiveness of the DSA, Incapacity Benefits and DLA whilst creating more awareness of this additional financial support to students (To emphasis upon points made in the 2008 Review Group, see below....)
... Feedback presented by DIUS is summarised below: for the attention of the review group for the QAA Code of Practice: Section 3: Students with disabilities (1999).
Overall, those students represented felt that HEIs should adopt a holistic approach to improving the experience of disabled students, including:
· advice on the physical accessibility of estates
· efficient and appropriate methods of learning support
· awareness-raising and training for HE careers advisers/services
· improved accessibility to non-academic and extra-curricular facilities
· a streamlined funding application process.
Now, I can only hope our discussions and lobbying of the Government can force rapid action. Wish me luck and any other suggestions would be more than welcomed.
Therefore, I extended upon the declarations I made in a previous blog in addition to aims:
Culturally, the disabled youngsters have little or no avenue to pursue their dreams and ambitions with only schooling to expand upon such abilities as artistic talents. The Way Ahead is partnered with Disability Arts Shropshire (DASH) is one such example whereby talented and hard working artists can blossom with the right guidance however the funding is required to prolong its existence.
Even recognized disabled artists require assistance such as Jayni Anderton through an LDAF initiative has recently put a piece of digital art work Artist @ Work on exhibition for a year at the ICI building in Manchester Square, London. Imagine the possibilities if more training, resources and man power was provided to teach and inspire disabled students outside of school for weekends, half term holidays specialising in such fields as arts, literature and music as well as sport and media.
We Demand Improvement. We Deserve Respect.
Short Term and Long Term Aims:
1. Apply pressure on the Government to eradicate doubt over the Convention and how finally expand upon their ratification i.e. how this applies to the young disabled students.
2. Improve communications between the Government and the disabled community emphasising they put more effort into doing so.
3. More localized projects to teach, inspire and develop the ambitious of disabled students in arts, literature, music, sports and so forth.
4. Improve the effectiveness of the DSA, Incapacity Benefits and DLA whilst creating more awareness of this additional financial support to students (To emphasis upon points made in the 2008 Review Group, see below....)
... Feedback presented by DIUS is summarised below: for the attention of the review group for the QAA Code of Practice: Section 3: Students with disabilities (1999).
Overall, those students represented felt that HEIs should adopt a holistic approach to improving the experience of disabled students, including:
· advice on the physical accessibility of estates
· efficient and appropriate methods of learning support
· awareness-raising and training for HE careers advisers/services
· improved accessibility to non-academic and extra-curricular facilities
· a streamlined funding application process.
Now, I can only hope our discussions and lobbying of the Government can force rapid action. Wish me luck and any other suggestions would be more than welcomed.
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