Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The Riddle of Robert Digby

Whilst in a sleep induced spell after a long phone call to the lady, I logged onto hoping see articles detailing Manchester United's mightful attacking threat posed at Old Trafford with mentions to the skilful endeavour of Carlos Tevez, Darren Fletcher and even John O'Shea during the narrow win over Arsenal in the first leg yet my attentions diverted to an tremendous article on the execution of a British solider during the Great War.

Please read as you too will be enraptured by the story of Robert Digby, a man that could of easily being a great possibly great grandfather of yours caught up in a tale by romance, betrayal and intrigue.

Monday, 27 April 2009

'The New Renaissance'

Prince Charles proclaimed upon his visit to meet the Pope who surely wouldn't be pleased with him divorcing our nations' sweetheart and remarrying a woman whose looks are so incomparable. The fact he offered a gift of flowers and a signed picture of himself and his wife is more of an insult then present.

However the Prince said: “I believe strongly that the response we make to the challenge before us will define our era. Just as the Italian Renaissance defines for so many of us in Europe a reawakening of cultural and intellectual identity at the end of the medieval period, so our actions today could be remembered as a renaissance in how we live, and the beginning of a new era in the effective stewardship of our planet.”

Well as much as I enjoy the works of many Renaissance writers, our culture is beyond help even if we aspire to be just like those who lived in a world we can only dream of. He correctly pointed out the threat of global warming but by asking for "collaboration between communities, nations and continents" surely he realises that he is pleading to the terrorist state that we now live in and the last thing many wish to do is work alongside United States of America and the British Isles.

Or maybe in his mind he is still in the 1960s. Where Camilla presumably looked nice.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

The Budget Fallout- The Aftermath

Not particularly shocking but the speed of thought certainly has accelerated since Darling's announcements and now the UK is beginning to see it's key personnel in the Business Industry packing their leather bound, diamond encrusted suitcases to jump on board their private jets. For instance Peter Hargreaves, the £10m-a-year co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdownas to save after a measly £500,000 increase in his tax bill.

Surely they can see that moving would cost a fair sum, expenses of their transportion from faraway lands of Switzerland to London every day/week wouldn't payable by the taxpayer (unlike the MPs) and if they like living in London so much and consider themselves English then here is a concept that they wouldn't of heard of and cannot be taught- class and loyalty. Standing your ground no matter the cost just so that your clientele are happy.

The recession compounded high taxation will cause more to leave, less buyers of consumer goods and over reliance on exportation but the fact is; the market will soon be stabilised and not dreadfully soon like Darling optimistically predicted. More like mid 2011 (I hope anyway, it'll be graduation time however it would be nice not to pay stamp duty on first home) also it would be nicer to see the likes of Sir Alan and the Chelsea owner having to shop in ASDA following further dent in their bank balance which as the Times Rich 100 shows has taken a beating anyway.

So hopefully if all the City bankers, tycoons stay and accountants are shot for any less then pleasurable ways to avoid income tax whilst the Government's toxic debt cash is injected leading to high street banks lending then confidence of customers is visible by their increase in buying the usual palaver of Plasma's and Topshop clothing.

Then the life as we know it may at least return to normality on the road to recovery. Or will the lessons learnt by the market crash be forgotten as quickly as shares fell?

Friday, 24 April 2009

The Guardian vs. The Times

A question probed by a learned writing friend who knows of my like for reading broadsheets along with the Daily Express (the lady friend reads it) and of course the occasional peek at The Sun's Page Three, 'Which newspaper-if you could perhaps out of your favour ties- would write for if you had to choose?'

To my mind, there are only two choices. Its either the Guardian or the Times.

Interesting, she asked this after I told her of a deaf journalist over at the Guardian who amazingly does not know how she clinched the job after she was taken on a one year reporter trainee but is willing to give details on her experiences for The Hearing Times also shall give details of further trainee ship and Visiting Days.

Nevertheless, the fact is that I have no specific ambition to be a journalist which I admit would a brilliant job and two years ago I would of kissed Susan 'You Tube 100 million views' Boyle just to even get recognized. My ambitions are like the direction of the wind, the only that is consistent is it's unpredictability. However now I wish to pursue becoming a teacher for the Deaf via completing University degree whilst football coaching for NDCS sporting projects and Disability Advocacy alongside deaf mentoring next year.

However what a wonderful side project it would be, I read of a man imprisoned for murder who wrote for the Guardian under anonymous name and now that he has been released, is looking to continue this. If he found the time to write things whilst beatings, stabbings and suicides were rife then surely I could too.

Oh, lets not forget schools are becoming the new prisons. Seen as crime spots hence bouncers being employed by certain ones in South London to stop misbehavior. Ah well, if I'm stabbed during a class I certainly hope I'm teaching something worthwhile and not sexual education considering the curriculum is far too late and most know the ins and outs anyway. Quite literally, we do have the highest teenage pregnancy rate and yet the slowest reacting curriculum in Europe. I'd change that by showing the students at the age of 13 the future - themselves pushing prams/on benefits/robbing old ladies then say "If you wish to be like that, leave the room now please or alternatively if you have a gun or knife in your pocket as I imagine you do... kill yourselves"

English Arrogance

Upon discussing Rudyard Kipling's Beyond The Pale in seminar this afternoon, I raised the point of observance that the cultural divide is linked to the English gentleman in the story who was almost arrogant in the way that he proceeded with romanticising a young girl who consequently had her hands chopped off. It was typical of the time of the English domination of those she ruled, the Empire was all that mattered not those who were butchered or taken in slavery that our traditional patriotism fails to mention.

Then once I had spoken to my harem of ladies (not really they are merely fellow Literature students) and walked back, poached some eggs to read the Telegraph and the Times whilst eating I read of the complaints made about comments a man I have often championed on here- Dr David Starkey. He went down in my high estimation with his damnation of 'feeble' nations such as Scotland and Wales of which is completely unfounded and ludicrous. To my mind, this is just typical of our culture and our celebration of arrogance and he is merely playing up to traditional views and with his experience and intelligence he shouldn't of made such error of judgement particularly on Question Time where the BBC have suffered many a complaint in the past 12 months.

However I did agree that bagpipes are indeed awful but that's only because I can barely hear anything and when I do, its something that absurd for instance on a trip to Scotland as a youngster I was plagued with the festival spirit and kilt wearing men that were probably on the Sex Offenders List.

Will we ever become to the understanding that our nation is not above anyone especially as we owe a gratitude of debt (literally) to China and America.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Follow up to First Article...

Here is the first blog entry on the Hearing Times which shows my 'How Detrimental iPods..' article. This also appears in Issue 6 but on page 9.

Not to be confused with the other article on the recession that I mentioned in last blog on page two.

Read it. I shan't threaten you but your children/wife/relatives may experience constant berating by local teenage thugs and your hedge decapitated.

Leave a comment if you so wish.

First Article Printed

Ladies and Gentleman, subscribe to the Hearing Times for merely £15 per year and you shall see the grand unveiling of my article on the recession's impact on the Hard of Hearing on page Two. Hard hitting, it has been described and I'm sure you would enjoy the read.

Thank you very much, no photographs please and certainly no autographs on breasts as my lady would not be pleased.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Ideal Replacements for Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown

Disillusionment of the Labour Government of past blogs on Tales of Isolation and Anger has reached fever pitch. The Budget announcement did little to ease worries of slow economical recovery in my mind, Darling however sees the recession coming to a abrupt halt no later then 2010 which considering the high numbers of job losses seemed hardly plausible to make matters worse he is now on the verge of what many call 'brain drain' process of eliminating the intelligent £150,000+ a year earners to the far away lands of Ireland, Switzerland where they would not have to match the hike in taxes.

Let's face it, if they want to leave then let them. However the Government needs to realise it's immoral ways of taxation and previous 2009 scandals are leading the voters into the pass of the Tories.

Personally I'd rather a new Government was formed, a coalition of genius and character. I'd place the scientist, writers on the backbench with David Starkey as Deputy Prime Minister, who incidentally today I came across his room for writings that looks no different to a typical students let alone a fabulous source of Tudor period knowledge.

The prime minister would have to be Alex Ferguson, a man of supreme footballing and political knowledge. Gifted in man management but perhaps needs to work on his PR. He has spoke highly of Old Old Labour (seeing as this is a mythological replacement of New Labour) with his buddy Alastair Campbell in the New Statesman 'interview' which I say lightly as it seemed to find nothing most Manchester United fans didn't already know about the Scot. To be fair, we would of happily welcomed such information as which condoms he uses (if its good enough for him then more then good enough for us, sales would go through the roof).

But no one would sort this mess out better then him alongside a team of financiers, Alan Shitgar can take a running jump although he has amusing one liners which I cannot help think is scripted by the BBC but uses of words 'spiv' would not go down well on the international front. The star of the Apprentice by the way, on tonight 9pm if you are avoiding work or pre-nightclubbing (which on last nights' basis of Oceana, its best staying at halls of residence) is Nick, Alan Shitgar's assistant who has the face of doom and tongue of acid.

Ah well, I can dream can't I? Oh and I would be Minister of the Deaf (if there was such a role).

Monday, 20 April 2009

J.G Ballard vs. President Ahmadinejad

Two very complicated characters set the tone for today's blog, one sadly passed away and another has put the nail in his own metaphorical coffin which is ironic considering. J.G Ballard first of all, an extraordinary writer who I'm currently studying with respect to his 'The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista’ in one of my modules. His views were often alarming but deeply interesting as Martin Amis once said of him: “Ballard is quite unlike anyone else; indeed, he seems to address a different – a disused – part of the reader's brain.”

Plashing Vole brilliantly shows how much of an impact Ballard's work had in his blog today;

He'll best remembered for his 'Empire of the Sun' novel that of course turned into a Hollywood movie and inspired many recent bands with his dark twist on life. Another person who will be best remembered for something darkened and sinister almost is President Ahmadinejad. His outspoken views earlier today led to mass walkout at a UN meeting as he called Israel 'racist'. Another politician with an agenda it seems and in the light of recent MP fracas over expense paying, it'll grasp little sympathy in the UK as the British diplomat leaving the conference showed. Perhaps someone ought to remind him of his standing in the world as a leader of Iran he showed contempt for his colleagues and his own nation with such bitterness.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

'Vendetta of Silence' Planning Stages

In the past two days my efforts have solely concentrated on impressing various media types at the Lighthouse film makers' workshop with my plot idea for 'Vendetta of Silence' that along with an associate we have discussed for the last two, three months. There was John Maidens, a hard of hearing but excellent directorial/writer figure of personal short films and television dramas such as Eastenders and to a lesser extent- The Bill. A master of camera shot choices and how to communicate with others around him such as runners, make up artist and actors of course remarkable considering he is terribly deaf.

Then today the Dreamfinder Productions lady, producer of many films such as 'Souled Out' appeared and spoke of how to budget accordingly whilst spiritedly delegating tasks also how to successfully pitch ideas. However it then struck me, I could write many things in relation to this story and expand upon the emotionless side but affectionate tendencies as the main character becomes more assured of his deafness but this is a 20 minute max short film.

So I must decide whether to pursue the film idea i.e complete the script to go with my poster, synopsis and scene breakdown or to completely abandon the project for the time being and concentrate on my Literature degree and articles for the Hearing Times till the summer then write all the thoughts down into a book of some sort.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Gordon Brown: Has he done the right thing?

Finally, the PM has decided to speak out of the scandal involving his chum MacBride..

Has he done the decent thing or should was he pushed by media intrusion into this announcement? This will be ultimately done to his own judgement following his aside's resignation and time will tell how much of an impact it'll make especially in light of his own personal comeback to win the public over with the finanical 'masterplan'.

Herbal Medicine vs. The Met Police

Which is more useful? The ageless requirements for herbal supplements to aid a whole variety of different aspects of the human physical condition or the Police supposedly here to guard us with intense consideration for our needs and well being.

I ask this upon reading many articles in my daily read of the Times and Guardian I come across the Hillsborough South Yorkshire cover up and more tales of Police brutality or culprits escaping justice when clearly their crime was worthy of more a harsher punishment. Does the Police in your opinion do the job it promises that it does; well or beyond restraint therefore it's acting in such a manner as shown by recent G20 frenzy that had everyone up in arms.

Personally I have encountered no problems with regards to local policing except for petty crimes and mindless assaults I have witnessed, I once rang the Police aged around 6, 7 just to see if I could provoke them and sure enough they turned up on my doorstep. Length of timing for a response has considerably increased more so then 13 years ago and the pressures of the job have becoming overwhelming as the hot headed PC showed by hitting an lady who may have a First Class Degree in annoyance it shouldn't of happened.

Now you may wonder why I brought herbal pills into the blog but recently as my tinnitus has become more and more problematic and sleep deprivation become more potent then a Mac Bride smear it has cleared my mind somewhat. I visited the herbal doctor who said nothing just monitored my pulse whilst coming to the conclusion he uttered in Chinese to his assistant that I was a deep thinker who needed to be more free, less stressed and open up more to people. Excellent analysis but no solution that I can see of aside from the illegal substance of skunk or harder sources of drugs which would not be the likely avenue.

Another three weeks she pleaded for me to take my 70 quid 8 x 3 plus 2 x 12 cocktail of pills along with painkillers to null the aches of the dislocated arm I mentioned in my previous blog. I shall see how it goes and perhaps I have encountered something of use for the thousands of sufferers out that.

Likewise we shall see how the Police cope with the media and if tempers are calmed... More chance of my deafness eradicating and Stoke City winning the Premiership next season I say.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Tony Soprano vs. David Starkey

Very rarely or if ever I have been told, does this blog speak of positivity or love and devotion likewise the absent mentionables of utter nonsense on television from the essentials aside but one such rarity has been occasionally demolished by the likes of the American drama Sopranos and the BBC 2's Still Game and now Channel 4's Henry VII The Mind of a Tyrant series which started off in exceedingly well shot and created epsiode. Much credit goes to David Starkey who has offered interest beyond his peers; he is an historian out of his love for history rather than money.

For instance his books in particular The Court: Castiglione's Ideal and Tudor Reality I found to have the same jest as his television narratives as he makes it sound more dramatic then it perhaps is. The audience found out more then expected to the character and background of the blood thirsty maniac. Starkey set out to prove he was not just a womanizer that wished for a heir in the shape of a boy even though his daughter by his second wife became perhaps the greatest monarch of our country's proud history. Yet it's Henry who shall be forever remembered for the wrong reasons if you choose not to tune into this excellent broadcast to rival even the murder and violent occurences of Tony Soprano's fictional life.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

From Disolated Arms to Labour Chaos: Easter 2009

Ah, its Easter a joyus time of celebration for the murder of our beloved Jesus who actually got less publicity then Jade Goody prompting his anger and inveitable return in the shape of 17 year old Fredico Macheda of facebook and Manchester United fame who has emerged to be the most lethal finisher in the last two games. It is such a wonderful occasion that whilst getting dressed on Good Friday I ended up disolating my left arm which I fractured last year in a clash of the titans outside a nightclub with two suprisingly respectable Eastern Europeans who shook my hand at the end of it without realising the inflication of their violent inclinations. Perhaps I deserved it for upsetting them in the first place with my swaggering ways.

My recent agony however was compounded by the fact as I popped my arm back into place without painkillers meant that I blacked out, my body had given up reasoning with my brain.

But not to worry, this blog isn't with its usual political scaremonging. In this case, the dim witted Labour aside of our glorious Prime Minister who admitted to sending naughty emails of his plans of creating a "attack blog" which is strange as they could of easily got in touch with myself and asked for me to slag off any Tories. But Mr McBride didn't just want to create an aura of e-bullying but to cause anarchy with lies of illness. Puzzling how he thought it would be effective.

I mean if someone actually cared of my discolated arm they would be sympthatic? So if his unfounded rumours on Mr George Osbourne's wife being ill would lead to public support like we saw with Miss Goody and Gordon Brown's wife Sarah after her child died very young.

Hopefully McBride is held accountable for this and the likes of him shall never set foot in the House of Lords also surely there should be more checks of emails and shannigans by politicans afterall they are supposed to be in charge of this godforsaken country.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Sad News.

Sadly this blog shan't be of the G20 mayhem but for the first time in what felt like decades, I felt emotion.

My Grandma died yesterday upon suffering four strokes within weeks and manhandled so effectively by nursing home staff that she was left with severe bruising and two large lumps on her head as they tried to turn her over as she collasped. Tired out, she passed away peacefully in her sleep with the radio on, just how she would of liked it.

I do not know what to feel. Anger for the way she was treated at the new nursing home that she had been there for less then a month or saddened that I wasn't there to tell her I loved her.

My eyes well up at the thought of her in any discomfort, I was shocked at first and now realise that I shall never see her smile or frail hands hold mine again.

Rest in Peace, the angels shall look after you now x